Woozin Status Ideas

Hey Guys =)
I noticed some woozens are wondering,
what status to put on their woozin.
Well i throught i might be able to help out!
Here's a list of cool statuses you can use =)

1. Dear mosquitoes,
I know I'm yummy but that's too much.

2. The police caught me drinking while driving..
They took away my orange juice and my trycicle.

3. theres one girl........
i know a dude whos dog's bff's owner is a girl whos cousin
from asia has a tiger that knows a panda who knows a girl who lives in antartic ,
 whos boyfriend's secret girlfriend has a cat whos pair is another cat which has an
owner that knows the girl i was talking about. XDD

4. Bruno Mars Had A Grenade And Taio Cruz Had A Dynomite
And They Threw It Katy Perry Who Blew Out A Firework The Sound
Was So Loud Rihanna Had Memory Loss And Ran Around Saying Whats Ma Name?
And Then Eminem Looked Around Saying Im Not Afraid xD

5. Good Morning Baby, Now Tell Me,
How Does It Feel To Be With The Most Beautiful Girl In The World?

6. ''You are so stylish to pick a best friend as good as me''
Ah , the wonderfull way
to compliment others, by complimenting your self

7. The flower may whit,
the sun may set, but a friend like
you ill never forget! C:

 and these are my very favourites..

8. Imagine if instead of raining water,
the sky would rain muffins!
That would be so awe.. -Gets knocked out by flying myffin-

9. I like cow because its wow.
I like glue but only when its blue.
At a party i just sit and eat cake
cuz i can't shake.  So.. Im complicated..

10. Is It Just Me ..Or Do You Think Of genius Idea's In Da Shower ,But The Second You Get Out Of It..POOF! They're All Gone -_-

Lolz C:

Well guys , If YOU have a funny status,
comment it here =DD
Ill be glad to post it ,
Or.. you can message me in woozworld:


Peace out x3

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